7 years and counting. Today it is 7 years since I published my first blog. When I started, I had no idea how long or how many will I post. But that’s the beauty. I covered the distance unknowingly, and effortlessly. Without anticipation, life seems to go more seamlessly. When we anticipate, there’s too much that goes into planning, and most of the planning is often around what might go wrong. We complicate simple things. When I look back, I see the transitions.

  • Initially, I used to never post unless it was proofread by someone, to make it error proof. After sometime, I figured mistakes aren’t going to kill me. I was more open to learning from my mistakes rather than being hell bent on preventing them or perfecting something. I realised I was able to flow freely when I did that.
  • In the initial days, I used to wonder how many reads, how many likes, what should I do to get more traffic. Today, I post because it feels like my diary of sorts, albeit an open one. Anyone who wants can read. So there’s no inner noise about numbers and views.
  • I used to compare with others too, when I was new. I used to wonder how someone else was getting more traffic than mine. Today, I am not looking at anything else. I am just very focused on what I want to do and giving it my best. I found my love for writing. And everything else is just a blur.
  • I used to think I was as good as the likes and views that I got. Today, I realise that everything is a perspective. Mine is one, a like or a dislike is one. Perspectives are perspectives. There are no goods and bads in it. Unless we use them in counterproductive ways. There’s a free state of mind.
  • The biggest thing I realised is to keep going. Sometimes I know where, sometimes I don’t know too. But I keep going. I have reached here today. When someone first told me write a 150 blogs, it seemed like a mountain of a task. Today I don’t even realise how I moved past the numbers to reach where I have reached today.
  • Last year I embarked on a challenge to write everyday. I did so for 100 days. It was a huge learning for me. I got the structure of commitment and discipline that even today helps me in so many different areas of my life.

My learning is, just to focus on one step at a time. One day at a time. Trusting myself. Being in touch with why I do what I do. And to challenge myself regularly. That’s all! The rest will be taken care of.

Thank you for stopping by and reading. Thank you for your feedback. It’s very kind of you to do so. It’s a diary that has connected me to the world that was earlier beyond my reach. Thank you for staying connected. πŸ™‚

12 Replies to “7th anniversary special :D”

  1. Congratulations Dear Narmada for the day you started your journey of expressing your thoughts in form of blogs . And thankyou for sharing your experiences and growth during this journey. May you cross many more milestones in many dimensions in your life. God Bless you.

    1. Thank you so much Shashi ji for your kind wishes πŸ™. Thank you for reading and appreciating

  2. Mercy Ninan 4 years ago

    Superb 7 years wow that’s great achievement. Keep going.
    “My learning is, just to focus on one step at a time. One day at a time. Trusting myself. Being in touch with why I do what I do. And to challenge myself regularly. That’s all! The rest will be taken care of.”
    “The biggest thing I realised is to keep going.”
    Luv it.Motivating

    1. Thank you so much Mercy πŸ™‚ thanks a bunch

  3. SHILPA V 4 years ago

    Amazing πŸ‘ Narmada Rao for such a splendid journey and you have always been inspiring me through your writing’s and sayings ❀ Loads of Love, God Bless πŸ™Œ

    1. Thank you so very much for the kind words . Means a lot ❀️

  4. Congratulations ma’am! Reading your blogs sure gives me a better perspective on things. Thank you for sharing. To more milestones! Cheers!

    1. Thank you so very much Afifa ❀️

  5. Ujjwal Jain 4 years ago

    Congratulations naams ✨ as always, continue to draw more inspiration from you and always open up my mind to a newer perspective which seems easier to adapt and look at in the situations we self complicate.

    1. Thank you so very much for all the love and kind words . Means so much . Feel very encouraged ❀️

  6. bhyraviraman 4 years ago

    Congratulations on your 7th year Anniversary mam. Why I do what I do. Structure of commitment and discipline.

    Written 3 books. Transformed and touched as many lives you come across. The humbleness an modesty of yours is fantastic mam. I am proud to be your student mam.

    1. Thank you so very much for all the love and kind words Bhyravi. Kind of you to see me that way. I am grateful for you, thank you so much ❀️

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