If you offer food to someone, and they don’t eat it,
Don’t feel bad. They are probably not hungry.
If you want someone to do something, and they don’t,
Don’t get angry. They probably cannot do.
If someone was supposed to call you, and they didn’t,
Don’t get upset. They probably missed you too.
If you trust someone, and they don’t live up to it,
Don’t punish yourself! They didn’t know how to handle because it is still new.
If you offer medicine and they don’t want it,
Don’t insist. They perhaps know their body better than you.
If you want someone to believe in something and they don’t,
They perhaps don’t see the value.
If you say something and they don’t agree
Based on their life’s realities, they may have a better point of view.
If you make an attempt to talk to someone and they don’t,
Perhaps they don’t want to get hurt or hurt you.
IF someone wants to go on a holiday alone,
Don’t feel left out – they perhaps want solitude.
Don’t make the mistake of making all of life’s situations
All about you.
You could be a part of it, but it isn’t entirely about you.
Nice one 🙂
On Fri, Apr 17, 2020 at 12:45 PM It’s All About Us! wrote:
> narmadarao posted: “If you offer food to someone, and they don’t eat it, > Don’t feel bad. They are probably not hungry. If you want someone to do > something, and they don’t Don’t get angry. They probably cannot do. If > someone was supposed to call you, and they didn’t Don’t ” >
Thank you 🙂
Thank you Narmada for sharing your thoughts in such a way that we get inspired and empowered both.
Thank you Shashi ji~ my pleasure 🙂