We humans and our innate desire to measure!
Eternally curious to know which is the tallest mountain, the deepest sea, the prettiest flower.
Ever wondered if the sea or the mountain cared if they were the highest or the deepest?
They simply are what they are!
Does the rose ever care if it is the prettiest flower?
It simply is!
Fancy measuring happiness in litres or kilograms
And saying I am 10 litres happy or 2 tons sad? 🙂
The most precious things in life are often not measurable
Like love, happiness, gratitude, hunger, compassion, devotion, determination, sincerity, etc.
In a competitive world, will quantity overpower quality? Nope!
What fun would it be, if we lived for a 100 years,
Married at the right age, had kids at the right age,
Worked till the right age, retired at the right age,
Died at the right age (if there ever is one) –
And if we are not happy at the end of the day,
If we’ve not made a difference to the world in which we existed!
We call it one year when the earth completes one revolution.
Because of that, our age goes up by one.
What if the earth took 1000 days to complete one rotation?
Does that mean we are younger – because the measure changes?
We are only as young as we imagine
As happy as we feel
As intelligent as we think
As charming as we believe!
Unique you are and unique you will be!
To exist in a relative measure all the time is an effort!
You are one of a kind and there’s no one else quite like you.
With whatever combination you are made of;
Celebrate life – without comparison – it surely is worth it!
Even if a 100 things may have gone wrong in the past,
The 101st is waiting to happen the right way.
Believe in it! And your belief shall make it come true.
Measure not your life with the past
For ahead, lies the best!
Truly valuable points to throw lights on :-)) Kudos Narmada