I was talking to a friend and she was one of the top performers in the organization. She really worked hard and people appreciated her efforts. Yet she was constantly in the fear of what if her boss decides to do away with her someday. She saw that happen to other colleagues in the past and hence she was anxious.

I asked her what happened to all those people who lost their jobs. She said they found other jobs. And I asked, ‘Are they happy?’ She said, ‘Yes. Very happy’.  She realised she was looking at the first half of the story and worrying when she could easily look at the 2nd part and have hope too.

If you are imagining about yourself, why not imagine in your favour? If you can’t imagine in your favour, no one else can.

2 Replies to “Are you imagining in your favour?”

  1. gsriramamurty 5 years ago

    Very true. Well said. God bless you.

  2. gsriramamurty 5 years ago

    Very true. Well said. God bless you. When I am trying to submit the comment it says duplicate and not accpting.

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