What is your favourite dress? When was the last time you wore it? How many times have you worn it in the last 3 years? Do you own it, use it or do you simply save it? If your favourite dress had a heart – what would it feel – that you never choose to wear it? You always choose to wear other things over it? Would it be angry? Would it be upset?
What about your favourite person? What do you do with them? How are you with them? Do they know that they are your favourite? Do they know that they are “STILL” your favourite? Do they feel they are your favourite by the way you treat them? Or do they also feel left out or discarded like your favourite dress? Or even worse, do they feel you hate them and don’t care for them because of the way to speak to them lately (or don’t speak at all)?
It’s not about what you think of the dress or the person – it’s about how you show that they matter. It’s about how you make them feel good. But even before that, do YOU recognise that they are your favourite?
Your favourite dress might be the most exquisite one and hence you want to safeguard it. But what’s the point if it isn’t used? Unless you consciously make a choice to use it – you may not find the appropriate occasion for it. It is not that you should wear it everyday. But is shouldn’t be that it lies buried in the cupboard never seeing the light of the day – just like your talents, ideas and skills. Whatever it is – use it while you have it. The world isn’t what it is because of lack of good people, lack of good things, lack of talents or lack of goodness. It is what it is because of us, lacking a conscious intent to use all our talents and goodness to make the world a better place. We are mostly unconscious about the most precious gifts that we have. It’s time we change that and be more aware and in tune with the people whom we love, with the precious gifts that we have like air, water, health etc. and utilise the talents and ideas that we have been blessed with for a greater good.