My Father
if you have ever interacted with me, I am sure you have heard me mention him. He is the most significant inspiration for me. He is the kindest, most generous soul I have ever come across. The word that best suits him is "Divine"! He has been the source of inspiration not just to me but to several others .

My Mom
She redefines fun! There's never a dull moment with her around! She is the life of the party wherever she goes, and she's the life of the house. She helps me learn and stay grounded. And when I go underground, she brings me back to the ground.

Joseph Murphy
Read his book, Power of your Subconscious Mind, back when I was in college. It changed my life! It changed my friends' lives too, just by talking about it. One of the most brilliant books that I have read to date. It simply changes the way you think.
Bhagavad Gita
It seems to have all the answers somehow. Every time I open a page, it gives me the message that I most need to hear. So, I think it is a magic book.

People's stories
All of us are walking, talking story bundles. Every story leaves an impression - some stronger than others. Each interaction helps me understand what I could do better, and when I have that, I pour it out as blogs, videos and podcasts, and now, books too!

Iris Panioty
She's a lady par excellence! Perhaps the most dynamic one! At 83, she's bold as a….., gracious as a…., thoughtful as a ….! Ah! Well, I couldn't find a word in the dictionary that could do justice to describing her. You have to meet her yourself. She runs a homestay in Cherai beach, and that's where I first met her.