Some of us have had this dream love story and the happy continuation of it. While some of us might feel we missed that beautiful love story that we had often hoped for. For any of us who feel we missed out on that beautiful, heart-fulfilling love story, here’s how you can have it. It’s never too late.

Any love story will have its phase of being over the moon and then it becomes BAU (business as usual) – the initial excitement and thrill aren’t going to be there later. Or at least not in the same way. Things evolve. However, this particular love story that we are going to talk about is always going to keep things exciting for you. This one-story can shape every other story for the better.

The love story we are going to be talking about – is the one with the most important person – and that is You. You are going to live a lifetime with yourself – might as well learn how to be in love with yourself, while you are at it, right?

  1. Surprise yourself – by doing things you’d never imagine you’d do. The only way to keep the spark alive in any love story is if you have your share of surprise elements and notable moments to count. And you can definitely do that for yourself. Don’t get so caught up in the mundane that you miss experiencing life in its fullest form. Explore some unknown aspects with curiosity and openness. You never know what’s on the other side unless you try. It could be trying a simple dance step that you never thought you could do, or going on a joy ride, or simply jumping in muddy puddles. Things that you never thought you’d do, do it. 
  2. Be there for yourself at all times – there is no excuse for not being there for yourself. If you want to work on yourself, work, but be there for yourself. Others can judge you. But if you judge yourself, then how can anyone else accept you? Don’t make others judgments, momentary setbacks, lapses in judgments, etc be a reason for you to abandon yourself. Always be there for yourself and help yourself rectify things for the better rather than regret and spend the rest of your life in guilt. There’s something that you can do about everything always. 
  3. Don’t be there for someone by leaving yourself behind. That’s what you’d expect from someone you love too. You want them to help others but not at the cost of their own self. Likewise, for yourself. Be there for others. But take care of yourself first. Don’t harm yourself trying to fulfill someone else’s desires. 
  4. Be honest with yourself. Don’t bullshit your way through life with all the dramas. Be open and offer feedback to yourself in a way that calls a spade a spade without killing. Offer feedback while also offering the assurance that you’ve got your back. And no matter what, never forsake yourself.
  5. Celebrate your success and the small achievements too. Just as you would for others. When you celebrate, life becomes a celebration. It gives you the motivation to go further happily. Not desperately. 
  6. Do something for yourself every now and then – could be a favorite meal, could be buying something you like, could be a holiday, could be a drive, could be a song, could be just chilling. Figure out what makes you happy – and do it!
  7. Take good care of yourself – eat, sleep, exercise – you inhabit your body – no one else can care for it the way you do. Care for the inner child in you.
  8. Always, always, always trust. And never doubt. Just like how you’d expect in your ideal love story. If you doubt yourself, that’s a very bad love story. If you can’t trust yourself, no one else probably can. Trust is the biggest gift you can give – and the best part is you can’t take yourself for granted or cheat yourself without your permission. No stakes at all. So trust yourself. Your mind, body, and soul will work twice as hard to live up to your trust – just because you trust. If you don’t, they’ll all lag behind.
  9. Spend some time with yourself regularly. Doesn’t matter if it is hours or minutes – but whatever it is – just connect with your inner self and recognize how beautiful you are a creation! 
  10. And lastly, be grateful to the creator/universe for creating you. Imagine how lonely life would be if you weren’t there for yourself. So, be grateful that God created you to be there for yourself. You are the best gift to yourself! Be extremely grateful for having you.

When you are thus brimming with love, you will naturally flow into being a very loving and understanding individual not just towards yourself, but to others too. And when you are this way, you will be like a positive magnet attracting only the best towards you. Don’t look for love outside while feeling insufficient within yourself. Having a spouse, a child, or someone to take care of, won’t add meaning to your life unless you already find meaning within yourself. Don’t be incomplete and look for someone else to complete you. Your feeling of being incomplete will only increase and spread to others too. Feel complete within yourself and then see the magic. The nature of your relationships will be beautiful – as beautiful as you!

If achievements were to determine happiness, the most accomplished souls are still not happy. If money meant happiness, the wealthiest are still not happy. Neither are talented nor are successful. Don’t postpone your happiness and your self-worth by thinking you aren’t doing what the rest of the world is doing. It has nothing to do with all that. Your self-worth depends on your inner love story – and that’s entirely in your hands!

8 Replies to “This is how you can have your missing love story”

  1. Thankyou very much Narmada for sharing your thoughts , empowering us to find the ways to fill ourself with love and spreading love and Happiness all around us. It’s like catalyst for our efforts to rise up and up

    1. Thank you 🙂

  2. gsriramamurty 5 years ago

    Very good love story. Unless you love yourself you can’t expect others to love you and you to love others,it looks more of selfish but doesn’t matter. Good narration. God bless you.

    1. Thank you 🙏

  3. Keerthana 5 years ago

    Might start as a story in reality the quoted point makes us going. Beautiful! Exceptionally written.

    1. Thank you so much Keerthana

  4. Arguably the finest piece of writing Nammu.. Truly marvelous and a must read for everyone in the current times of Covid-19.. Keep writing such wonderful gems

    1. Thank you so much Bibhu! Means a lot 🙂

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