When you are thinner,

you won’t be happier.

You will only be thinner.

Don’t mix things up!

You may be a showpiece.

You may be able to show off!

But you may not necessarily be happy.

Don’t try to get thin to be happy

Be happy to get thin!

You can make the choice to be happy now!

You can learn to live with yourself with love!

Work on yourself without hating who you are.

When you hate who you are, you won’t have the confidence to work on yourself.

If you can understand what you are, you’ll know how to become what you wish to be.

The essence of you is always beautiful. That is who you are.

The ‘what’ keeps changing from time to time.

Anger is what you have – not who you are!

Fat is what you have – not who you are!

Procrastination is what you are doing – not who you are!

Don’t identify yourself with all the things you don’t wish to be. 

Observe them as behaviours that need changing.

And remember that you are beautiful- that’s who you innately are!

The creator has never created bad products!

2 Replies to “When you are thinner”

  1. Mercy Ninan 5 years ago

    Ya I am a mixture of gud & bad, but always motivated by ur blogs. Meaningful, narrative and helps us to detect my thinking pattern.

    1. Thank you so much Mercy 🙏

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