You were there before those awards

You were there after those failures

You were there even while they appreciated you

You were there while they were criticising too

Your achievement is not your success,

Your persistence is!

Your failure is not your drawback,

You giving up is!

Let them make fun of you

You can laugh at them for their perception of you!

No one is breaking you.

You are just forgetting the power that is you!

There is nothing that you can’t do

Unless you convince yourself that it is true!

Please listen to me – 

You are not what you have been

You are not what you currently are being too

You are constantly evolving.

Truth is something that doesn’t change

So, you can’t be the truth

Because you are constantly changing

You are above and beyond it!

You are the force that can dream

And you always have the power to redeem

I am your voice from within

That speaks to you today.

Please listen before I become silent one day. 

When things are going wrong,

I’m there for you.

When everything is working fine,

I am there for you too.

When you are looking for me and when you aren’t,

I am still there for you

Just look within instead of doubting too

And you’ll find what you need to pull yourself through!

3 Replies to “Listen to me”

  1. gsriramamurty 4 years ago

    Nothing is permanent change is the must. Good times change bad Times change its a process. Well said. God bless you.

  2. gsriramamurty 4 years ago

    Nothing is permanent change is the must. Good times change bad Times change its a process. Well said. God bless you. Yes.

    1. Thank you

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